Psyvariar 2 - Ultimate Final

I grabbed this game entirely on a whim due to a random forum recommendation. It’s actually surprisingly fun, the soundtrack bangs & the style is really interesting.

The main gimmick (that I’ve picked out so far) is that you only do full damage while you’re moving[citation needed].

I’ve only played it once, but I know I’m really going to enjoy it. Not to sure how to lay out the score table right now but will try keep it simple. Might have to rework my highs-core table code for this one…

Date Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Total
2023/08/15 1,527,200 / 212 / 24 1,459,000 / 99 / 58 1,822,900 / 379 / 98 4,882,200

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