Hey, I’m Pfych, a full time software developer & hobbyist photographer in the Greater Sydney region.

I currently work out of a startup developing Serverless applications using Typescript. However, while surrounded with bleeding edge technology in the workplace; Sometimes it’s nice to fall back on something cozy at home. Which is what this website is for me.

I have no formal education & have been driven by an eagerness to learn and build “cool things”. Always saying yes to ideas ranging from really cool1 to really shit2 are what got me to where I am today.

When I began programming professionally I lost my main hobby. Programming. I tried doing art & design but didn’t really nail it (although I still enjoy it). I eventually got into Photography which I found to really enjoy. Through my attempted art stint I’d gotten to know some people in Sydney’s urbex scene, which I was now photographing & documenting in my free time.

Other hobbies for me include Music & Games.

If you would like to contact me you can at my email which is at the bottom of all pages on my website. I am not currently looking for work, however, if you have a “cool thing” idea, I’d be happy to hear it out. I’m also on Mastodon if that’s more your thing!

© 2024 Pfych 🏳️‍⚧️